fabric and pin
Fold the lining fabric in half twice to form a four-layer square. Measure the length of one side of the square and cut a piece of string the same length. Then pin one end of the string in a corner of the square.
Draw an arc
Wrap the end of the string around a pencil or chalk to draw an arc from one corner of the square to the opposite corner. Weigh down each corner to keep the material taut.
Mark every inch as you move the string in
an arc to ensure what you draw is as accurate as possible.
lining fabric along the arc
Cut along the arc and unfold the fabric to reveal the circle you’ve created. Lay the facing fabric faceup and place the lining fabric circle facedown on top of it. Pin in place. Cut along the edge of the lining fabric to cut a circle in your facing fabric. Remove the pins.
trim between the layers
Pin decorative trim around the edge of the circles, between the two layers of fabric, making sure the two layers are pinned closed.
If you purchase glue-on trim, apply it later,
after all sewing has been completed.
˝ inch from sewing needle and mark
Measure a half-inch from the right of the needle on your sewing machine. Mark that distance with masking tape on the machine bed. This will keep your seams even.
the layers together
Sew the lining, trim, and facing into place, using the tape as your seam guide and removing pins as you go.
circle and draw small arc
Fold the circle in half, and then in half again. Cut a 1˝-inch length of string, pin it in the corner, and draw an arc from one side of the folded circle to the other. Cut along the arc to form a center hole and unfold the fabric.
a slit from one side to the center
Cut a slit from the outside of the circle to the center hole, and pin one side of the slit and the center hole closed. Sew a seam along the pinned side of the slit and the center hole, removing the pins as you go.
the skirt right side out
Turn the skirt right side out, using the open side of the slit. Fold the raw edge into the pocket to hide it, pin shut, and iron the skirt flat. Sew the other seam of the slit closed.
Decorate the skirt with glue-on trim, and surround your tree with your beautiful, personal tree skirt for years to come.